The founders of relana®
Lach & Bruns Partnership (consulting chemists) was founded in 2005. Lach & Bruns understand themselves as competent advisors in the field of "food safety". In this context, relana® also contributes to this overall objective (food safety). relana® thus focusses in particular on the professional evaluation of the analytical competencies of laboratories. This includes also the verification of the quality of laboratories' services related to the interpretation of analytical results as well as to appropriate consultancy provided to laboratories' clients.
„Taking a closer look.“
To meet the "food safety" claim, the independence of Lach & Bruns and their scientifically driven, unbiased and objective approach are crucial in order to be able to provide answers to the complex food safety issues.
For further information about Lach & Bruns Partnership, please refer to
Dr. Günter Lach
For more than 30 years Dr. Günter Lach deals with the analysis and evaluation of residues and contaminants in food products, utility articles, environmental samples and cosmetics.
Dr. Silke Bruns
Dr. Silke Bruns has in-depth, hands-on experience in the quality assurance of food products and cosmetics, in the execution of laboratory performance assessments as well as in food law related issues.